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Weather Decision Support Systems that keep you Ahead of the Weather ®

Radiometrics delivers state-of-the-art Weather Decision Support Systems, atmospheric remote sensing instrumentation optimized for mobile and fixed-site applications, and a wide range of technical services including third-party equipment integration, system design, installation, maintenance, and training.
Radiometrics’ SkyCast® instrumentation products include:
- Terminal Doppler Weather Radars
- Surveillance Doppler Weather Radars
- Radar Wind Profilers (boundary layer to 20 km)
- Sodar Wind Profilers (200 m to 1,000+ m)
- Temperature, Humidity, and Liquid Profilers (to 10 km)
Radiometrics’ Weather Decision Support Systems build on our instrumentation products, weather decision support software, system integration know-how, and technical services capabilities, and include:
- VizAir™ Wind Shear Detection and Alerting System
- Hydromet Decision Support System (HDSS)
- Mesoscale Analysis and Prediction Support System (MAPSS)
- Lightning Decision Support System (LDSS)
- Launch Weather Decision Support System (LWDSS)

Applications include:
- Early Warning Systems – Forecast and nowcast all weather conditions and associated dangers, including wind, hail, precipitation estimation and forecasts, flooding, flash floods and mudslides.
- Airports – Improved monitoring and nowcasting for windshear, inversions, fog, icing and other hazardous weather impacts to increase passenger safety and minimize flight delays.
- Spaceports –Weather monitoring, nowcasting and forecasting for launch safety, including lightning, winds aloft and hazardous materials dispersal.
- Weather Services – Improved weather forecasts and nowcasts for improved alerts and warnings.